What’s New

The latest version 1.0.1 of the oNote event modeling application has some exciting new features and significant improvements:

  • Cursor and keyboard shortcut-driven interaction rather than solely drag and drop of graphical elements on the main modeling canvas. Right-click context menus are also available for building your event models.

  • Help for keyboard shortcuts is available in context. Simply press Shift+? to get available options at any location in the model canvas.

  • Smart cursor mode helps you to quickly and intuitively create an event model with predictive anticipation of the next model object. Automatically link objects with data flow arrows.

  • Make links between model objects with data flow arrows. Delete a link (flow arrow) between objects.

  • Model objects automatically align to the canvas grid. Click and drag to move an object on the grid. The UI guides you to valid locations indicated by a pink grid square.

  • Cut, copy, and paste model objects on the canvas using either a context menu or keyboard shortcuts. Expedite building a model with the tab key when brainstorming in design and collaboration sessions.

  • Insert empty columns within the model canvas. In addition to inserting lanes, you can further adjust your canvas with this flexible feature.

  • New Interface Designer has a separate side canvas that makes it convenient for you to model interface objects such as automated jobs, RESTful interfaces, HTML pages, a temporary blank placeholder, or a URL to a Figma wireframe. Draw data flow arrows directly to and from preliminary interfaces without having to add interface elements first. The Interface Designer is mouse-driven and does not support keyboard shortcuts.

  • Import an event model at a cursor location. Because the import now shifts any existing populated grid cells to the right, there are no longer any concerns about overwriting your models. In addition, you can create submodel snippets that you can import for reuse at various points in your event model timelines.

  • Define schemas at the model and entity (model object) level. Reference model-level schemas in an object model’s entity-level schemas. Reuse saves time and keeps schemas consistent. Validate a sample user JSON object against your schema right within the Schema panel.

  • After defining your schemas for a model and its objects, generate Avro code.

  • Flexible subscription plans that grow with your business. oNote Starter (free), Essential, and Premium options. If you are on the Essential subscription, add only the PowerUp features that you need. For more details, check out the Subscriptions page.

The user interface has been redesigned with speed and the user experience in mind. The revamped design takes the guesswork out of which model objects and actions are allowed in which lanes. Built-in guardrails guide you to design valid event-driven models.

There are more great features on the roadmap forthcoming, so stay tuned!