Insert a lane in an event model

Insert a custom lane above or below your current cursor location in the canvas.

Allowed locations to insert a lane

The ability to insert a lane above or below an existing lane depends upon the context of the current lane type, as determined by the cursor position.

Lane type Description

Default Audience

Default lane located at the top of the model. Can only insert a custom audience lane below.


Default lane. Can insert an audience lane above or a stream lane below. There can be only one Timeline lane in an event model. The Timeline lane is the central lane in the model canvas.

Custom lane

Any lane that is not a default lane. Can insert a lane above or below depending on context.

Default Stream

Default lane located at the bottom of the model. Can only insert another custom stream lane above.

You can add a lane using either keyboard shortcuts or the right-click context menu. The context menu may only have insert lane below, insert lane above, or both, depending on context.

Insert lane above or below menu options
Right-click menu insert lanes

To insert a lane above the cursor position:

  1. Make sure you have cursor focus in the lane.

  2. In the lane above which you want to insert another lane:

    • Click Shift+o (Vim) or Ctrl+o (Emacs).


    • Right-click and choose Insert Lane Above from the context menu.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the new lane.

To insert a lane below the cursor position:

  1. Make sure you have cursor focus in the lane.

  2. In the lane you below which want to insert another lane:

    • Click o (Vim) or Ctrl+j (Emacs).


    • Right-click and choose Insert Lane Below from the context menu.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the new lane.