
The following list defines frequently used terms in the oNote application. These terms represent event modeling objects on the oNote application canvas.


The intended audience for a certain aspect of your system, such as a developer or automated interaction versus a user. The Audience lanes contain Interface objects. There is a Default Audience lane that cannot be deleted.


A user intention that changes a system. For example, book a hotel room. Commands show how users create change in a system and how they share input with a system. Commands are represented as blue objects on the timeline lane within an event model.


Events or facts stored on a timeline. Events represent the possible business processes and outcomes when a user interacts with your application. Events are represented as orange objects within a model. Events are placed on a Streams lane.

Event model

A blueprint for an event-driven information system.


Interfaces such as a job for an automated process. Interfaces depict what a user sees and experiences when interacting with a system. In the oNote app, you can represent different graphical interfaces using Figma, HTML, REST, Job, or blank (placeholder). Interface objects are placed on an Audience lane.


Defined swim lanes in an event model. Lanes include Interface, Audiences, Timelines, and Streams. Swim lanes help structure the work and divide the interface by audience. Lanes clearly denote exactly what your users see versus what your development team sees. You can add additional custom audience lanes as required for your model. Default lanes cannot be deleted.

Model object

The model objects such as Interfaces, Commands, Read models, and Read (view) models in oNote are analogous to the analog design counterpart referred to as sticky notes.

Read model

Read models are the result of the command-event chain. Also referred to as Views. Informs users about the state of a system. For example, what are the available dates to book for a room. Read models are represented as green objects on a timeline lane within an event model.


Lane that contains events.


System features in chronological order from left to right. Defines the purpose of the system from start to finish.